Minutes of NAWCC Chapter 21 June 28, 2021 Meeting

June 28th, 2021

First Vice President Dick Shelton called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with a brief update on Ken Reindel’s condition after an unfortunate biking accident.  Ken is on the mend suffering a shoulder injury and numerous bumps and bruises. 
Dick reviewed the meeting schedule for 2021, noting that our regular Monday night time slot is potentially being bumped to Tuesday at St Michael’s. However, the executive committee is studying alternatives, so this might change.  The tentative dates under discussion for future meeting times are the fourth Tuesday of the month.  Potential dates are August 23rd, September 28th, October 26th, and November 23rd. Noting is final at this time. Stay tuned. 
The Regional is a “GO” for July 31st, August 1st, at the Boulder County Fairgrounds.  Terry Jones and Dave Fornof have confirmed and posted hotel arrangements and information on the website at https://nawcc21.com/regional.  Registration is open.  Dave Fornof attended the Southern Ohio Regional.  There were 300 tables at the Chapter 23 event; well organized, helpful, friendly, and pleasing to attend.  It is encouraging to see the Regional events coming back to life after last year’s disruption.  Bottom line, traveling to other Chapter’s Regional events is worth the adventure and enjoyable.  
Note the online store and items for sale there.  If you haven’t visited this new feature on the “Buy/Sell” tab, it is well worth getting familiar with. https://nawcc21.com/buy-sell/
Tim Orr will rotate off the board of directors of the NAWCC in July. However, he will continue to have a presence at the National level, volunteering on the nomination committee sharing his years of experience and corporate memory.  Congratulations and a big “thank you” to Tim for his long-enduring service.  The Chapter has benefited from his close association with the operations of the National office. 
Regarding the National, the conference hotel is sold out.   Arrangements have been made to secure other rooms close to the convention site.  Rooms are rooms available.  Check out the website for registration and hotel accommodations.  
Paul Wegener presented the Librarian’s report.  “Please return any checked-out items at your earliest convenience.” Next, Paul critiqued the book “The Craft of the Clockmaker” By Mr. E. J. Tyler, published by Crown Publishers, Inc., New York.  1974. Several interesting facts were cited, followed by the memberships applause.
The break period was waived, moving immediately to Tim Orr’s presentation Finding Longitude (and Latitude) Today, which is available for viewing on the Chapter’s YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/B8Zg5F3QH5g.  The talk on the history of triangulation to trilateration was an informative and fascinating presentation of our use of clocks and timepieces to the present day.  “To get where you want to go, you have to where you are.  To know where you are, you have to know what time it is.” 

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